How to safeguard marine biodiversity: saying yes to focusing on minor fish species to curb the exploitation of commercial interest stocks.
The “Gastronaut”
Journalist and writer, I am known as the Gastronaut - the one who chooses to eat with his own head, avoiding culinary clichés in all their forms. I have hosted TV and radio programmes, planned exhibitions, and organized events. Since 1983, I have been directing the column “A Me Mi Piace” in Il Sole 24 Ore. I have also authored over twenty books including Il crepuscolo degli chef, il Gastronauta, la Garzantina, i Prodotti tipici d’Italia, I luoghi del gusto, Alla scoperta del gusto italiano, Le ricette della memoria.
How to safeguard marine biodiversity: saying yes to focusing on minor fish species to curb the exploitation of commercial interest stocks.