Technology and innovation guide us towards a more conscious future. But that isn't enough: we need to take on the social responsibility of a new urban culture.
Street art is a form of modern art, an open-air communication tool on a large scale, capable of engaging a broad audience, which, over the years, has also been able to capture the attention of renowned art critics.
For me, Street art is Free art, dispassionately free of constraints and conventions and easily enjoyable, almost a sort of lifestyle, or rather, designstyle.
Roaming the streets of a city, your gaze is suddenly drawn to the shapes and colours of unusual graphic expressions, small or large works that disrupt the monotony of the facades of some buildings or the long stretches of identical walls, and give a touch of colour and originality to the grey cement of certain corners of civilisation.
Real works of art, where the aesthetic element is fundamental. But is it possible to go beyond the purely aesthetic and insert another message?
Art, over the centuries, has immortalised passions, victories and defeats, and has told stories of society in evolution (we hope); street art too, in the same way but with different tools and forms, evolves over time, absorbs and learns to convey the values that reflect today's culture and the guiding or destructive principles of the community it represents, in order to educate and sensitise with its impact.
In murals, animals on the way to extinction, or plants and ecosystems altered or destroyed by man can take shape, to testify or play a denouncing or challenging role; compositions of colours and shapes are therefore able to give a voice to those who do not have one, in defence of those who are not able to ask for help.
Works of art able to arouse or inspire new awareness and responsibility; able to engage humans directly and emotionally - humans that can, and too many times have used their power badly or clumsily, above all in their relationship with nature and the planet that houses them.
This is how I can present themes that can put you in front of a reality of ruin and destruction, brutal and uncomfortable, but tremendously real, true; an immediate, hard-hitting way to create a debate with incisive visual impact on our actions and their consequences, maybe even disturb the peace of your comfort zone, often unaware or oblivious, and force you to reflect. Maybe even a constructive reflection.
We well know that we need to profoundly change our cultural habits and our everyday perspective in order to focus on a more forward-thinking vision aimed at the preservation of the ecosystem, and not on the destruction of the resources we still have available.
And any way to try to trigger this change is welcome.
The city, the centre of urban frenzy, changes face and gradually takes on a new role. It offers itself up as a communication tool and transforms into an enormous canvas on which we can express ourselves, thanks to which new, better, more sustainable worlds come to life.
From the domestic vision of the walls of our houses, to the public one of city traffic, from the bright colours of sunlight to the half-light of city lighting, a popular vision of small gestures, which lead to big changes.
Urban art therefore presents itself as a tool for education, for consciousness and awareness, able to strike the deepest chords within our souls; I know full well that its effect will be greater than what I am able to influence, to make people reflect and create a dialogue, with themselves and with others.
To art, we add technique; because the desire is to create something that isn't only beautiful, but also functional. Not only aesthetic, but also ethical.
The materials also become invaluable allies, such as the latest generation paints that are able to absorb smog, limiting or containing the consequences of pollutant substances.
Because the message to be conveyed has a form, a surface, a material, a colour and a subject, and all together these elements must be in harmony, cohesively united in order to realise the purpose for which the work is created. For which I have chosen to create the work.
It is only if you notice it, if I have managed to catch your attention, only if you stop to look at what I wanted to tell you and how I chose to do it, that you will be able to grasp the message. To what I have inspired, you will add your own imagination. You will walk away with the feeling of new awareness. And I will have succeeded.
Images Credits:
© Ph Iena Cruz
Technology and innovation guide us towards a more conscious future. But that isn't enough: we need to take on the social responsibility of a new urban culture.
Packaging: it deserves the credit for providing the most important push behind the green economy, and its new characteristics involve ethics, sustainability and marketing.