Goal: everyone's quality of life. A modern economic system, based on solidarity and sustainability, is already a reality among people and enterprises in Italy and abroad.
President of the GAStorino Association
I have promoted purchasing groups and networks in the Solidarity Economy for a long time, as tools for "living well". I have written numerous articles on these issues, and published, together with other authors, a few books, including Invito alla sobrietà felice, "An Invitation to Happy Simplicity", Gruppi d'acquisto solidali, "Ethical Purchasing Groups", Costruire economie solidali, "Building Solidarity Economies", Il capitale delle relazioni, "The Capital of Relationships", and Un'economia nuova, dai Gas alla zeta, "A New Economy, from GASes to Zed." I am president of the GAStorino Association and I run the site www.economiasolidale.net.
Goal: everyone's quality of life. A modern economic system, based on solidarity and sustainability, is already a reality among people and enterprises in Italy and abroad.