Serena Milano

Slow Food

A graduate of Modern Literature from the University of Turin, and a writer for local political news publications for a few years, I have worked at the international Slow Food headquarters since 1997. In 2000, I followed the launch of the Presìdi project (supporting small agricultural producers), and since 2008 I have been the Secretary General of the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity Charity, the organisation that coordinates all the Slow Food projects protecting biodiversity. Between 2009 and 2014, I coordinated Slow Food projects in Africa, and since 2018 I have been in charge of the Slow Food Content and Projects Hub. The author of numerous publications, I have written for various newspapers, such as La Stampa, Il Manifesto, L'Unità and State of the World Report.


The pathways to sustainable food

Is a better system of farming possible? From Slow Food comes the international campaign Slow Meat. For the good of every living being and every ecosystem.

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