

Taking practical, collective, circular action.

Because of the fact that it is polysemous, or in other words, it has diverse meanings, the word education is not at all simple to explain. But this is where its fascination lies, and of all the words relating to sustainability it is one of the most important for the path to an ecological transition and the creation of a new ethics. That is why we have chosen this concept for the seventh edition of Innesti, asking our authors to interpret it.

The etymology of the word comes from the Latin ex-ducere, "to lead out". But out of where? Probably from our comfort zone, from everything that is familiar but keeps us stuck where we are. To educate an individual, we need to bring them out of that state and help them express and act on their potential. Education is movement.

Education is a cross-cutting approach that touches on many different areas; educating is building, bringing up, training, instructing. While it is quite clear, for example, that education takes place in the classroom, other educational opportunities can come about at any moment, such as in the cinema or in the kitchen, in a meadow or a design studio, or in any place like the ones described in this edition of Innesti.

Consequently, it is natural to understand that education is a collective, circular task that involves all the stimuli coming from the outside world. It is not only the development of human character, but also collective character. Educating is a practical act; it suggests particular habits. And it is certainly no coincidence that the word has many different meanings, because it brings together attitudes such as respect, care and kindness, which make an education in sustainability complete.

Martina Liverani
nature and
Making a difference from a young age

Learning to respect nature, starting from the valuable lessons we receive from our family: the story of a boy who wanted to save a struggling bee.

Climate change: why young people play a central role

The importance of education in triggering a real ecological transition.

Educate today's adults, leaving them to do the same for tomorrow's!

Learning from young people. In a world where sustainable development is still far off, youth movements are teaching us how to act with awareness.

food and
An interview with Niko Romito

From the three-star Reale to a campus for the cooks of the future: the chef and his commitment to education for healthy, sustainable catering that is accessible to everyone.

Nature teaches and raises free, healthy young people

It improves self-esteem, creativity and wellbeing, and develops awareness: this is why the environment is the best teacher possible for children.

Art against hate

An interview with CIBO, the internationally renowned street artist who creates colourful food-themed murals to fight intolerance and racism in cities.

Soil, "the factory" of life, is in danger. To take care of it, we need commitment from everyone

Analysis of an underestimated emergency and the response of the Re Soil Foundation, who are committed to spreading awareness and promoting land regeneration.

Animation has a history of environmentalism

"Art hasn't predicted the future, but it has been ahead of its time."
Giulietta Fara, the artistic director of the Future Film Festival, and the environmentalist messages in cinema.

Design for training in sustainability

A winning tool for solving problems and leading innovation: the value of this discipline, which is strategic right out of the university lecture hall.

Changing perspective in order to save the planet and humankind

Tomás Saraceno: a scientific mind and a creative soul. Looking to the visionary work of one of the top contemporary artists to create a new behavioural ethics.

Sport and the environment: a sustainable bond

From the UN 2030 Agenda to sports federations, via innovation: sport is an ideal channel for spreading eco-friendly culture.

The conscious citizens of tomorrow are the children of today

Educating the very youngest in sustainability, and cultivating their enormous potential.
This is how teachers can contribute to change.

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